Real Men Dont Pinky Swear Funny

"Supergirl" Elseworlds, Part 3 (TV Episode 2018) Poster


Melissa Benoist in Supergirl (2015) Melissa Benoist and Grant Gustin in Supergirl (2015) Melissa Benoist in Supergirl (2015) Melissa Benoist in Supergirl (2015) Melissa Benoist in Supergirl (2015) Melissa Benoist in Supergirl (2015) Melissa Benoist in Supergirl (2015)


  • Kara Danvers : Where would Deegan, um, Superman keep something valuable?

    Alex Danvers : Anything of importance to him, he keeps in a place called the Fortress of Solitude. I'll take you there.

    Barry Allen : [groans] I just came from the Fortress of Solitude!

  • Kara Danvers : Is that a... are you smiling?

    Oliver Queen : I kind of like you guys. Don't tell anyone.

  • Kara Danvers : Cisco, will you do the honors?

    Cisco Ramon : Anything for my favorite Kryptonian. That's right, I have a favorite Kryptonian.

    Brainiac-5 : Yes. A good choice.

  • Kara Danvers : You know, my Alex was always drawn to service, so i-i-it's not surprising that you care so deeply about this world and all the people in it. But on my Earth, Alex doesn't just have a job. She's in charge of a place like this.

    Alex Danvers : She's in charge?

    Kara Danvers : She's a leader who's just and proud, and when someone tells her to do something she knows is wrong, she gives them hell, and she does what's right. And she doesn't have powers like I do, but she's a hero. And she has the biggest heart of anyone I know, even though she doesn't always like to show it. And she has good friends, a real family of support that she's created for herself. And she doesn't hide who she is; she wants a wife, and kids. She's optimistic that she can have it all. It's not an "if", it's a "when".

    Alex Danvers : She sounds pretty awesome.

    Kara Danvers : She is. And I-I know I'm not your sister on this planet. I... I guess my pod didn't land here, but... you're still that person. I can tell. I know it. And Superman re-wrote this reality to make us all his prisoners. I think you're smart enough to see through him.

    Alex Danvers : If I were to let you out of that cell, you'd, what, stop him?

    Kara Danvers : [with a nod] Pinky swear.

  • Kara Danvers : So this is kind of becoming an annual thing, huh?

    Barry Allen : Oh god, I hope not.

  • Kara Danvers : I know the real man who wears that glyph. It's not you. You're not Superman.

    Elseworlds Superman : And yet, I am all that you once were. No offense to Barry Allen, but as a hero, you... you are so much more than just faster than a speeding bullet.

    Kara Danvers : So you're imitating my powers and my family crest, but not my gender? Too afraid to be a woman?

    Elseworlds Superman : Oh, I'm not afraid of anything. The Book of Destiny revealed to me all there is to know about Barry Allen and Oliver Queen, but for you and this Man of Steel, there was nothing. Nothing but the android you fought in Central City. It's... It's as if you don't exist in this world.

    Kara Danvers : That's why you locked me up and dampened my powers.

  • Kara Danvers : [seeing her freeze breath ice a section of her cell door] Well, that's not nothing.

  • Kara Danvers : Alex!

    Alex Danvers : How do you know my name?

    Kara Danvers : I'm not from this Earth. Where I come from, we're sisters.

    Alex Danvers : You... you are as despicable as they come. I mean, the stories of all the twisted things that you've done.

    Kara Danvers : Alex, I know things look one way to you, that I look one way to you, but... but the way thing are, it's not real. Not really real. And if you just let me explain, I can tell you...

    Alex Danvers : You are dangerous, and you are clearly crazy. And I have work to do.

    Kara Danvers : [Alex closes the outer blast door] No, wait! Wait. Just... just let me explain! I can tell you everything.

  • Killer Frost : You know, Diggle can monitor the sorry sacks from upstairs. Why don't you take the night off?

    Alex Danvers : That's okay. I still have some work to do.

    Killer Frost : You know, that's the third time in just as many weeks I've told you to go home and you've turned me down. You know, this sorry little pelt's really bringing me down. So why don't you wanna go home? Boyfriend troubles?

    Alex Danvers : No.

    Kara Danvers : [in her cell] Boyfriend?

  • Elseworlds Superman : Well, well, well. A traitor in our midst.

    Killer Frost : You know, when I said you should get out there and start dating, Danvers, this isn't quite what I had in mind.

    Elseworlds Superman : I warned you.

    Kara Danvers : No, I tricked her into opening my cell. We don't know each other.

    Alex Danvers : Yes, we do. She's my sister.

    Elseworlds Superman : [preparing to fire his heat vision] Oh... well, then you can burn together.

    Superman : [breaching in with the others] Hi. Nice suit.

  • Barry Allen : This isn't the fortress of anything. This is the Time Vault.

    Kara Danvers : [seeing the book] It's unlocked.

    Barry Allen : All right, well, how does one go about re-writing reality?

    Kara Danvers : Well...

    [she opens it, but is forced to close it again]

    Alex Danvers : You must still be weak from the Pipeline.

    Barry Allen : Are you okay?

    Kara Danvers : I don't know how Deegan did it.

    Alex Danvers : Well, can I suggest that whatever it is you need to find out, we do far away from here.

    Barry Allen : Clark knew how to do it.

    Kara Danvers : I'll get this to him.

  • Kara Danvers : Clark, we need you to open this, fix things.

    [as he does so, things begin to return to normal; having become the Flash again, Barry speeds in]

    Barry Allen : He's doing it.

  • Alex Danvers : You really look just like him.

    Supergirl : I hope that's where the resemblance ends.

    Alex Danvers : So he really re-wrote the world with that book? He re-wrote my life?

    Supergirl : Yeah.

    Alex Danvers : It's funny. Because I feel like this was always me. But I guess everybody does, right?

    Supergirl : This is you. Someone who is willing to stand up for what's right. I mean, after all of this goes back to normal, that'll still be who you are.

    Alex Danvers : Your sister is a very lucky woman.

    Supergirl : I'm a lucky sister.

  • Supergirl : What's happening?

    Oliver Queen : Deegan must be rewriting reality again.

    Superman : Or destroying it.

    Barry Allen : There might be a way to slow him down. We literally slow down time.

    [seeing Oliver's look]

    Barry Allen : Come on, that's got to be, like, only the fourth most crazy thing you've heard in the past three hours.

  • Supergirl : How do we slow down time, Barry?

    Barry Allen : If Supergirl and I travel around the globe in opposite directions at just over mach seven, we should be able to create enough centrifugal force to slow the Earth's rotation.

    Supergirl : And everything else.

    Oliver Queen : Rip the book out of Deegan's hands, and everything goes back to normal.

    Supergirl : We can do this.

    Superman : [they turn to leave] You both die.

    [they turn back]

    Superman : When I opened the book, I... I watched both of you die, doing exactly what you're talking about. If it's in the book...

    Oliver Queen : It's destiny. I believe Clark.

    Supergirl : We have to try something.

    [to Barry]

    Supergirl : You ready?

    Barry Allen : Yeah.

    Superman : [they speed away] Kara!

  • Clark Kent : Hey, you really are so much stronger than me, Kara. Every time we're together, I see it. Which is why I know what I'm doing is okay.

    Kara Danvers : What are you doing, Clark?

    Lois Lane : You need to stop beating around the bush. People like people who are direct.

    Kara Danvers : What is going on?

  • Lois Lane : I told you we had a lot of fun on Argo.

    Clark Kent : Lois. Lois, Lois.

    Lois Lane : What? We're all adults.

    Kara Danvers : Are you having a baby?

    [realizing it's true, she hugs them in support and excitement]

    Kara Danvers : Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Congratulations. This is so great. I'm so happy for you.

    Clark Kent : And-and the safest place for Lois to be is on Argo.

    Lois Lane : When the baby starts kicking.

    Kara Danvers : Oh, yeah. That would be awful. So you're gone another nine months?

    Clark Kent : Uh... a little longer than that.

  • Clark Kent : Look, this fight, it... it reminded me of everything that I could lose. But the only reason I feel safe hanging up my cape for a while is because of you. The world doesn't need Superman if it has Supergirl.

    Lois Lane : It's actually probably a bit safer.

    Clark Kent : [a little insulted] Oh!

    Lois Lane : A study out of Harvard last year said that women respond better than men under competitive pressure.

    Kara Danvers : Oh.

    Lois Lane : We are better in a crisis. More apt to ask questions before punching.

    Kara Danvers : Hmm.

    Lois Lane : [to Clark, supportively but still condescending] Not that you are not totally terrific.

    Clark Kent : Uh-huh.

    [to Kara]

    Clark Kent : Bottom line, the world's safe with you.

  • Elseworlds Superman : I don't know who you are. I don't know how you got here, but none of that matters because I am now you. New and improved. And you will never see the light of day again.

    Kara Danvers : I'm gonna stop you.

    Elseworlds Superman : There's nothing to stop. I am the hero this planet needs.

    [she moves to punch the cell glass, but is stopped by a high-pitched ringing]

    Elseworlds Superman : Thank you, Agent Danvers.

  • Elseworlds Superman : These cells are patrolled 24/7, so don't get any bright ideas, or you will end up hurting in a very painful way.

    Alex Danvers : The only way out of here for you is in a casket.

    Kara Danvers : [she turns to leave] Wait! Alex.

    Elseworlds Superman : Oh... oh, you think you know that agent. You see, I scrambled the reality of everyone on this Earth. No one is who they were. But... I guess even rewritten destiny has a way of playing jokes. You be a good prisoner, or I kill her.

    Kara Danvers : You're a monster.

    Elseworlds Superman : No. I'm Superman.

  • Kara Danvers : Alex, please, stop!

    Alex Danvers : He warned you.

    Kara Danvers : I promise I won't try to escape again.

    Alex Danvers : [through the pain, Kara speaks in Japanese] How do you know that?

    Kara Danvers : Alex Danvers taught it to me. I told you, I'm not from this Earth. The Alex on my Earth spent a summer in Nagano with Jeremiah and Eliza when she was six. She was homesick, and a girl from the village helped her sneak down to one of the temples one night. She wrote a note, and she put it in a crack in the wall, hoping it would come true.

    Alex Danvers : I was seven, not six. And that little girl in the village, she... she taught me that rhyme. It means...

    Kara Danvers , Alex Danvers : Pinky swear.

    Kara Danvers : And my Alex taught it to me the first night we snuck out together to go flying.

  • Kara Danvers : Wow! You did so much work while I was gone. This place looks amazing.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, well, I wanted to make sure it was all good for Ma.

    Kara Danvers : Aw...

    Clark Kent : So, uh, Brainy and J'onn went back to National City?

    Kara Danvers : Duty calls.

    Clark Kent : Well, I hope you realize that being a part of the DEO, not being a part of the DEO, you don't need an organization to keep the world safe. And no matter the universe, you and Alex, you'll find a way to have each other's backs.


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